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Under the new NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits as of 1 October 2024. I strongly encourage you to read the following and consider carefully which line-item number best represents your/ your child’s goals being achieved and where / if you may have funding in these areas in your plan before engaging my services.


Please note as an Early Childhood Educator/ Primary Teacher (NESA NSW # 775664) and certified Equine Psychotherapy Institute EAL practitioner with further certifications and Professional Development in "Freedom from the Inner Critic', 'Understanding and Working with Trauma' I am providing social-emotional learning, psychoeducation, life skill development, and human services.


These services are targeted interventions, that systematically address participant goals in a way that is accessible, meaningful and engaging for the NDIS participant, and builds your/their skills, so you/they can increase your/ their capacity to manage more independently in relationships and out in the communityI can currently invoice under the following line-item numbers.


***Important to note ***

If you are Self Managed….

Self-managing participants can use registered or unregistered providers and are not subject to the price limits or other pricing arrangements set out in the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits and its associated documents.


If you are Plan Managed…


Capacity Building – Increased Social and Community Participation

The supports in this support category allow participants to take part in skills-based learning to develop independence in accessing the community.


CAPACITY BUILDING 09_009_0117_6_3 Skills Development and Training. ($77/ hour)

Please note if you choose this line-item number Session times will be 1 hour 20 mins with a billing of up 30 mins extra as non-face to face.


CAPACITY BUILDING 09_008_0116_6_3 Innovative Community Participation.

(This support item is not subject to price limits) Please note if you choose this line-item number I  the price is $135 / session.


CAPACITY BUILDING 09_011_0125_6_3 Community Participation Activities

(This support item is not subject to price limits.) Please note this line-item number can only be used for Holiday activities and when I host Camp Caba or trial my service with a limited number of sessions at $135/ session. It cannot be considered as an ‘ongoing’ service.



Capacity Building – Improved Relationships Individual Social Skills Development


CAPACITY 11_024_0117_7_3 Individual Social Skills Development ($77/hour)

This support item assists participants to develop their social skills for participation in community and social activity. Please note if you choose this line-item number Session times will be 1 hour 20 mins with a billing of up 30 mins extra as non-face to face.



Capacity Building – Improved Daily Living

The supports in this support category allow participants to take part in skills-based learning to develop independence in accessing the community.


CAPACITY BUILDING 15_005_0118_1_3 Early Childhood Supports - Early Childhood ($193.99/ hour) Early Childhood Professional. (Younger than 7 years) Please note if you choose this line-item number I will charge $135 per session.


CAPACITY BUILDING Other Supports 15_037_0117_1_3 Skill Development And Training including Public Transport Training

Individual training provided in the home or in the community for general life skills to increase independence ($67.56/ hour)

Please note if you choose this line-item number Session times will be 1 hour 20 mins with a billing of up 30 mins extra as non-face to face.


Core – Assistance with Daily Life

This support category relates to assisting with or supervising personal tasks of daily life to enable the participant to live as autonomously as possible. These supports are provided individually to participants and can be provided in a range of environments, including the participant’s own home.


CORE 01-011-0107-1-1 Daily Personal Activities - Assistance with Self Care Activities. ($67.56/ hour) Please note if you choose this line-item number Session times will be 1 hour 20 mins with a billing of up 30 mins extra as non-face to face.


Core – Assistance with Social, Economic and Community Participation.

This support category relates to assisting with or supervising a participant to engage in community, social, recreational or economic activities. These supports can be provided in a range of environments, such as in the community or a centre.


CORE 04_104_0125_6_1 Access Community Social and Rec Activities ($67.56/ hour)

Please note if you choose this line-item number Session times will be 1 hour 20 mins with a billing of up to 30 mins extra as non-face to face.


CORE 04_210_0125_6-1 Community Social and Recreational Activities

(This support item is not subject to price limits.) Please note this line-item number can be used for Holiday activities and when I host Camp Caba or trial my service with a limited number of sessions at $135/ session.  It cannot be considered as an ‘ongoing’ service.


When I provide 'Group Activities'


CORE - 04_102_0136_6_1 Group and Centre Based Activities ($67.56/ hour)

Please note the amount charged for this line-item number will depend on the total number of participants, non- face to face preparation time, and actual session time



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